Middle aged couple counting coins into jarBy Nataly Mayne | AMAR Association

Before we actually dive into this topic, I want the following phrase to be on every readers mind: It is never too late. Whether you’re on your 30’s, 40’s or already into your golden years, you can always start working on whatever you need to make your life more enjoyable, especially as retirement gets closer. As some people say, you have to stay ready so that you don’t have to get ready.

People always talk about being financially responsible and independent, and while that is specifically important as one ages, we want to take into account all things that you want to be prepared for as the years go by. Retirement may seem like years away, or maybe not, but being ready for it and all the things that it entails, it’s extremely important as it can decide how much you will enjoy this phase of life.

In an interview for The New Times, businesswoman and 53-year-old Agnes Mukarutabana, mentions that one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you want to start planning as soon as you can. “Do the most important things now, when you are young and energetic” (Kantengwa, 2019). She also mentions the importance of setting apart part of your check as savings for your retirement, and that it is never too early to start doing it. As she wisely advices, traveling or treating yourself is okay but should not stand between you and getting ready for retirement.

And now that we covered money, we can discuss something that can be equally important but that not many people talk about: physical and mental health. Going “old” and losing your strength is one of peoples’ worst fears, however, it can be prevented. Taking care of your health since early stages is also important here. Alphonse Semuhungu, a general practitioner, mentions that keeping a healthy lifestyle since your young adult years all the way into your 40’s is strongly related to health risks further down the line (Kantengwa, 2019).

On the other side of the physical health, we have mental health: retired teacher, John Munyangeri, mentions a very important key piece, which is to retire to something, not just from something (Kantengwa, 2019). As nice as it sounds to have full free days, finally being able to wake up late and maybe cut down on coffee, for some people, not having a work to report to, it can be depressing. Making sure you continue with hobbies or social engagement is very important in order to make sure you enjoy all this free time.

As a last point, we would like to emphasize the importance of social engagement. This is relevant for folks going into their golden years, but also for younger people with relatives or loved ones aging. Making sure to keep company around and being socially active is key as a part of aging, as reports show that loneliness can actually affect one’s memory, physical well-being and life expectancy (Immanuel, 2019).

Sort of like playing Jenga, it is important to look at all the angles and making sure we’re covering every base when it comes to taking care of ourselves, or even preparing ourselves, for our golden age. That includes financially, mentally and physically!